Organizing home-based workers in Uganda
The purpose of this intervention is to develop the capacity of the newly established organisation Ngalo Buwereza (NBO) which organises and supports home-based workers in Uganda. Home-based workers are workers who produce goods or services (e.g. crafts, bee keeping, fish farming, crop farming) either from their own homes, or adjacent grounds, or from a public space. In Uganda an estimated 70 per cent of all business are informal and most jobs are characterized by low earnings and poor working conditions, something which is also the case for most of the home-based workers.
The purpose of this project is to improve the working conditions and livelihoods of home-based workers in Uganda, by supporting a member-led, structured, constitution-drafting process which will result in a consolidated constitution approved by the 2024 General Assembly.
NBO was formally registered in 2022 and held its first General Assembly in February 2023. The organization offers services to 121 member organizations throughout Uganda, comprising a total of 4,242 individual members of which approximate two thirds are women.
The passing of the constitution will be an important step in Ngalo Buwereza gaining recognition with government agencies, local authorities and other relevant stakeholders and hereby serve to strengthen the organization’s advocacy work.
Altogether, it will strengthen the ability of NBO to support the members in the two key areas of 1) improved working conditions and 2) profitability of their work.
Project details
Period: September 1, 2024 - March 1, 2025 (6 months)
Budget: DKK 376.199,00
Country: Uganda
Thematic area: Job creation
Partners: Ngalo Buwereza Organization (NBO), HomeNet Africa (HNA)
Funding: Civil Society in Development (CISU)