Improving nutrition and income generating opportunities for refugees and host communities in Western Uganda

The overall goal of this project was to build on lessons learned from the pilot project "Supporting refugee and host community farmers in Uganda to increase production of new sources of nutritious food and generate income" and create better nutrition and income-generating opportunities among refugees and host communities in the Kyaka II refugee settlement in western Uganda.

This was done by empowering local farmer associations to better organize and support their members, and by introducing new business models based on the production of edible insects for food and feed. 

Project details

Period: 01.07.2021-31.07.2022 (13 months)

Budget: DKK 499,175

Country: Uganda

Thematic area: Social Security

Partners: Mothers Against Malnutrition and Hunger (MAMAH), Bobo Eco Farm

Funding: Civil Society in Development (CISU)